Food, Health, and Education are the responsibilities of any progressive society. Organizing or proving the first two are easier than Education. Institutions are set up to provide education and along with academics they also provide for the physical health and prepare the students to face future challenges in life. Not only students face the pressure and stress but the teachers face them too. And to control the issue, Teacher’s Training Programs should be conducted at regular intervals of time. Neither curriculum nor the schools consider that more than physical health the mental well being of the students is of prime importance. Behavioral issues and rising number of suicides among school going children is alarming! Least realizing that over-ambitiousness of parents put a lot of pressure on the child. Pressure from peers or from school too can affect the child emotionally. Being bullied by other kids can act as a trigger for the student taking the ultimate step.
Attention deficiency usually causes a student to seek for appreciation or even affection from others. This may lead them astray and the end result may be unexpected. Poor mental health may manifest as poor performance in school, lack of self-confidence, lack of motivation, and even poor social interaction. Instead of being concerned and caring towards such a child, the parents are worried about the stigma attached to mental ill health. Some parents refuse to believe that their child may have some problems which would require the services of a counselor.
If the society wants its future to be in safe hands of the youth, who are emotional, sentimentally, intellectually and physically strong, then the role of teachers must include that of a counselor too. School Consultants in India bridges the gap in the curriculum which, today, has given no place for the holistic growth of a student, is apparently the only solution to the problem.
School Information
Initiative by Educare India Advisory
#MentalStress #Students #Academics