We have often heard parents and teachers drilling into us the benefits of neat and well-formed writing. In the technological world that we live in most of our adult life is completely taken over by the keyboard and it does not matter whether we have a good cursive writing or not. Notwithstanding that, our school life still has to use for handwriting skills.
At the pre-primary stage, it helps if a child is:
a. taught to hold the pencil right,
b. sits in a comfortable chair of the correct height so that he/she can bend at the correct angle,
c. which, in turn, will ensure that the correct amount of pressure is exerted.
Once this is sorted out, the child can begin with practicing simple lines or curves before moving on to letters. Not all children write at the same pace or with the same accuracy. So it is necessary to practice constantly. The type of pencil used also makes a lot of difference in the handwriting. In the 70s and 80s, when pencils were made of wood and were heavy, the handwriting was allegedly better. With lighter plastic pencils, the grip suffered along with the handwriting. The downside of the wooden pencils was that some children found it heavy for prolonged use. The same principle applies for writing with a pen. A good quality pen along with the correct grip and pressure will help write beautifully.
Handwriting reveals a lot about a person's personality. Today, graphologists can analyze our handwriting and say whether we are strong-willed, impatient, lying or contented!! This must be reason enough for every person to try to write beautifully!
The bottom line is that neat handwriting always brings a smile on the face of the reader.
School Information Initiative by Educare India.