Monday, August 26, 2019

Common Attributes of Successful Schools

Research showed that although schools may offer a different curriculum and different approaches to teaching and learning there remains common characteristics among schools that nurture student achievement and personal development.

When technology changes, it impacts the kinds of things we want and need. Updates to technology change what we desire; as we desire new things, technology changes to seek to provide them. The same goes for–or should go for–education. To educate today’s students, schools have to adapt to this and provide a modern education, that is infused with technology. To be successful, schools need to change how they do business, and their teachers have to add new skill sets to their repertoire. In this article, we will discuss the attributes of successful schools in the digital world.

1. Leadership
The first attribute is quality leadership. Students perform better when the principal and school board members provide strong leadership. Effective leaders are visible, can successfully convey the school's goals and visions, collaborate with teachers to enhance their skills, and are involved in the discovery of and solutions to problems.

2. High Expectations
The second attribute is having high expectations of students as well as teachers. High expectations of students have repeatedly been shown to have a positive impact on student performance. Students are somewhat dependent on the expectations placed on them during this period of their lives, as they are still shaping their personal sense of ability and esteem. Teachers who are expected to teach at high levels of effectiveness can reach the level of expectations, particularly when teacher evaluations and professional development are geared toward improving instructional quality.

3. Ongoing Evaluation
The third attribute of a successful school is the ongoing screening of student performance and development. Schools should use assessment data to compare their students with others from across the country. Effective use of assessment data allows schools to identify problematic areas of learning at the classroom and school levels, so that teachers can generate solutions to address the problems.

4. Goals and Direction
The fourth attribute of a successful school is the existence of goals and direction, according to research, the successful school principal actively constructs goals and then effectively communicates them to appropriate individuals (e.g., students, teachers, and the community at large). School principals must also be open and willing to incorporate innovation into goals for school processes and practices. So it's important to invite input from all stakeholders in the process of developing school goals. Student performance has been shown to improve in schools where the entire school community works toward goals that are communicated and shared among all in the learning environment.

5. Secure and Organized
The fifth and final attribute of a successful school is the extent to which the school is secure and organized. For maximum learning to occur, students need to feel secure. Respect is a quality that is promoted and is a fundamental aspect of an effective and safe school. Successful schools also have a number of trained staff and programs, such as social workers, who work with difficult or troubled students before situations get out of hand.

School Information Initiative by Educare India Advisory

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Monday, August 19, 2019

How to Choose a Right School for Your Children

It is that time of the year when parents are busy picking the school, they would like to have their child admitted. The next academic year is still 6-7 months away, but schools start the admission process - not just for the first standard but also for nursery and playgroups - in November.
The fact is parents want their kids to get the best education possible. Unfortunately, in their eagerness to provide the best education often they consider only the affordability factor before deciding on the school or curriculum.

  1.Pay attention to Infrastructure
      Spacious and renovated buildings do create an impact in the lives of school children. Well-equipped labs help them to perform lab activities in an effective way. Library halls, games equipment, large playgrounds give an extra boost to students for making the most out from such facilities. Assembly area and proper sanitation facilities are other infrastructural elements that speak volumes about the overall level of infrastructure in schools.

      Though, there is no denial to the fact that focused students tend to perform brilliantly in all plots but even the experts suggest that such facilities provide an extra edge to the potential students. Thus, the infrastructure of schools should be properly planned so that it assures convenient teaching and learning. 
  2. What are the Values and Ethos of a School?
Should a school impart religious values? This is a choice for individual parents to make, ideally in consultation with their child. In the majority of cases, there’s at least some religious control on the board of management, even if a school may initially appear to be secular. It’s generally a little easier to opt young people out of religious instruction at second-level.

  3. What kind of environment does it provide?
The environment with sincere and disciplined students encourages various other children to follow the same disciplined pattern. The external conditions play an influential role in fostering child's overall development. If the environmental features are appropriate, the students will face the positive impact else, the scenario can be the other way round. 

The parents should make sure that they look up to a school that follows precise regulations while taking in students as it's yet another factor that tends to make an environment that can be fruitful for their child.

  4. Existence of Extra Curricular Activities
Most of the researchers and educationalists have time and again accepted the role and contribution of extracurricular in the development of children and the fact that they develop the leadership and social skills.

Involvement in creative activities can give an extra edge to a student as it fosters the intuitive and intellectual skills. The creative art, music, dance or sports sessions give students a break from the long tiring classes. 

Parents need to realize that these activities have emerged as the most productive way to utilise the time that students get after their theoretical studies. Also, the students from schools that conduct workshops and classes based on sports and creative activities are more capable of acquiring new skills. So, while choosing the right school, the parents should make sure that the school is not just bound to the academics but also lays importance towards the extracurricular wing.

  5 . Access to Modernity
As students from higher classes look up to the e-books for competitive exams and academic preparations, there are schools that keep their websites updated with such digitized study materials and give parents the option to track the overall performance of their child through the website.

The digital classrooms and smart classes are yet another trend that has made the classroom sessions interesting and interactive for the students. So the next time you judge a school's proficiency, do keep its digital existence and modernity in mind.
Remember, while school is a big part of our lives, it's not all of it. Our time as a family before school, in the evenings and during the weekends and holidays is what really shapes our children. School is an essential part but it amplifies what you have already begun to develop in your child. You were and will continue to be, your child's first teacher.

School Information Initiative by Educare India Advisory