Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Planning to open a School

Are you planning to open a school? Educare India Advisory team is here to guide you with their expertise of working globally to set up a school.
Following are some of the points that will help you understand how to open a CBSE board school in India in a nutshell:
Eligibility to open a CBSE School: Any promoter who has the minimum required land of 1.5 acre anywhere in India except in any metropolitan cities and cities where population is more than 15 lacs their 1 acre of land is the minimum requirement. The land should be a diverted land not an agricultural land or any land allowed as per byelaws of CBSE affiliation
Capital: Like every business, a school requires a capital for setting up the infrastructure and completing the procedures for set up. These requirements start right from procuring a land by ownership or on lease to setting up the structure, classrooms, laboratories, equipments, staff recruitment and several other components.
Setting up of Society or Trust: The school that you set up should be they need to be established by a Society that is registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 of the Government of India or under Acts of the State Governments as educational, charitable or religious societies having non-proprietary character or by Trusts. The land that is purchased or bought on lease needs to be dealt on the name of the society.
Building Construction: The building has to be built as per the norms provided by the byelaws of CBSE affiliation with proper boundary on the land.
After the above steps our team will guide you with various documents to be procured at local levels and help you in shaping the school from getting admissions, teacher’s recruitment and training.

For More Information Click:  www.indiaeducare.com/
#newschoolplan, #planningtoopenaschool, #newschool,#newschoolsetup, #opennewschool,#ImportanceofScienceLaboratoryinschools, #Laboratoryinschools, #Laboratory, #ScienceLaboratoryinschools, #ScienceLaboratory,  #Proceduretostartanewschoolinindia, #Startingnewschool, #Guidanceonopeninganewschool, #Requirementstoopenaschoolinindia, #Newschoolstartingrequirements, #ProcedureforStartingCBSESchool, #HowtostartCBSESchool, #Cbseschoolopeningprocedure, #startcbseschool, #HowtogetCBSEAffiliationinIndia, #howtoapplyforcbseaffiliation 

Friday, April 17, 2020

Importance of Science Laboratory in schools

Science is a universal subject that spans the branch of knowledge that examines the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
The data is taken from source Eighth All India Education Survey Report By NCERT
Out of the total 1,17,257 secondary schools in the country, 49,278 (42.03%) schools are having facility of Science laboratory. Out of 49,278 schools, having Science laboratory out of them 70.64% schools are having adequate Science laboratory. Out of 56,983 higher secondary schools with secondary stage, 33,999 (59.67%) are having Science laboratory and out of these schools 57.14% are having adequate facility.
Educare India Advisory one of the famous name in education consultancy, can help you with the entire process of science laboratory set up.
If you are a new school and looking for a fresh affiliation, you must know that as per CBSE affiliation by laws
Minimum physical infrastructure required for a each separate (Senior Secondary) lab (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) or composite (secondary level) lab minimum size is 9m X 6m (approximately 600sq feet).
Expert of Educare India Advisory, advised all school must have spacious and proper laboratories to provide better learning opportunities for students and stated that
“Well-designed laboratories not only make science experiments fun but also help students in achieving good academic results.”

For More Information Click:  www.indiaeducare.com/

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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Significance of Computer Lab in Schools

We Educare India Advisory Team believe that computer education in schools plays an important role in student career development. Computer with the internet is the most powerful device that students can use to learn new skills and more advanced version of current lessons.

Computer Lab for New School setup
(As per CBSE Norms “Affiliation Bye Law”)
Every school should have at least one adequately equipped Computer Lab with a minimum of 20 computers or computer student ratio of 1:2 and required software. Ideally 1:1 (1 computer : 1 Student) is advisable.

Wherever such facility is available, every school should have the facility of Broadband Connectivity with the feature of Internet always on from any service providers.

How it will helpful for the student

According to Educare India Advisory experts, fundamental knowledge of computer from the lower class helps the child to explore more knowledge. Through painting software student can show his/her creativity.
MS office tools help to students can take notes in classes easier without any issues due to handwriting, smudging, or cramping.
Educare India Advisory experts believes that if students get enough of  opportunity to learn the way organize data or record, definitely this would increase their planning and management skills as well.

Educare India Advisory Exploring

5G Network
The advent of 5G is one of the most enigmatic new upcoming technologies that can impact businesses in 2020. Many industry experts have termed 5G as the future of communication and to some extent, it’s true.
“5G wireless networks will support 1,000-fold gains in capacity, connections for at least 100 billion devices and a 10 Gb/s individual user experience of extremely low latency and response times, as stated by Huawei. “Deployment of these networks will emerge between 2020 and 2030.”  
However, to take this speed to everyday mobile users, mobile network carriers will need to increase bandwidth and reduce network costs. Moreover, LTE adoption isn’t waning and is estimated to reach $672 billion by the end of 2020.

For More Information Click: www.indiaeducare.com/
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