The need for a standard education mentored and monitored by people who know the requirements of all the stakeholders gave a platform for the Setting Up a CBSE Affiliated School in India. A structured curriculum which adheres to the Indian tradition and fuses with the modern concepts is the need of the hour. The results of the qualifying examinations after the Secondary level should be widely accepted within and without the country.
The Central Board of Secondary Education states in its Vision statement that, it “envisions a robust, vibrant and holistic school education that will engender excellence in every sphere of human endeavor. The Board is committed to providing quality education to promote intellectual, social and cultural vivacity among its learners. It works towards evolving a learning process and environment, which empowers the future citizens to become global leaders in the emerging knowledge society. The Board advocates an Evaluation with an emphasis on holistic development of learners. The Board commits itself to provide a stress-free learning environment that will develop competent, confident and enterprising citizens who will promote harmony and peace.”
What is the procedure to follow?
- To get the CBSE Affiliation, the school has to form a Trust or a Society.
- The prescribed extent of land must be either bought by the Trust/Society or it must be leased to the Trust/Society for 30 years.
- The size of classrooms, Labs, and Library must be in accordance with the bye-laws to start a school
- The number of books in different categories must also be as per the bye-laws.
- The ratio of teachers and students must be as per the bye-laws.
- The minimum qualifications for the Principal, teachers, and Librarian are enumerated in the bye-laws.
- The CBSE then constitutes the Inspection Committee.
- On the basis of the IC’s report, the school then is affiliated to the board for a period of 5 years after which an extension of the affiliation is granted to Open a School.
Why Educare?
Although getting affiliation with CBSE Board is tricky but lack of awareness and clear understanding makes it tough for the growth of schools. The process is the same whether the school is seeking Approval for the Middle School Syllabus or Secondary School Affiliation or up-gradation to Senior Secondary School.
Although getting affiliation with CBSE Board is tricky but lack of awareness and clear understanding makes it tough for the growth of schools. The process is the same whether the school is seeking Approval for the Middle School Syllabus or Secondary School Affiliation or up-gradation to Senior Secondary School.
The team of school consultants in India knows and handles all the ups and downs of the procedures with efficiency. All the necessary documentation need to be met in order to avoid rejection or delays. But providing quality education is equally important for being a trusted school in education fraternity by maintaining, revising and innovate the teaching practices and learning environment to apply for CBSE Affiliation.
We at Educare, are working hard to provide quality education across the country and upgrade the strategies. The consulting teams are revising the resources and expertise continuously for the development of students. We invite you to come and join the family of Educare India Advisory.

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