Sunday, December 22, 2019

Reasons we can use Mobile Phones in the School Premises

When most people think of K-12 students with constant access to their cell phones they envision students slacking off in class by scrolling through social media, texting their friends, and playing games. But the reality is this: the scenario represents a small majority of any student body, and if those students didn’t have their cell phones, they would find other distractions. After all, class goofs, mindless daydreaming during math class, and causing class disruptions are behavioral types that have existed long before mobile phones even existed. Simply put, if kids didn’t have cell phones in school to use as a distraction, they would find other methods of distractions.

However, the value and benefits that cell phones add to the students’ experience have no substitutes. In fact, cell phones in schools do far good than harm as they prepare students for the real world, help them learn how to be responsible, are engaging learning tools, and help promote safety.

1. Cell Phones Teach Responsibility
There is a time and a place to browse Instagram, play Candy Crush, and take selfies. Just as a working professional would never do these things in the middle of a board meeting, so too should a student never do this in class. There’s a time and a place to set your phone on silent mode and ignore it (unless there’s an emergency call from family). And by allowing students the freedom to keep their phones in school, they’re learning a big lesson in being more responsible that will serve them well.

2. Banning them will not stop them being used
It will simply push that use underground. Much better for the device to be visible on the desk than hidden under it.

3. Preparing young people for the modern world
Schools have a duty to prepare young people to live in the world outside the learning environment. Mobile phones are an integral part of life and schools should be helping young people make appropriate and effective use of them.

Today’s students are savvy and can use digital calendars, like Google calendar, for keeping track of homework due-dates, study times, and extracurricular activities. By having a multi-device charging station in the quad, cafeteria, library, and in every building, students can keep their cell phones and tablets charged so they can manage their student lives while preparing for their working adult lives.

4. Cell Phones are Tools for Emergencies
There are a number of emergency levels that constitute different threats. Whether a student left their essay at home and they need to call a parent to bring it in or if there is an intruder on campus posing a threat to the safety of all students, having a powered cell phone can help prevent a disaster from getting worse.

While we don’t want to expect tragedies to happen, it’s important for schools to have appropriate measures in place in the event that this happens. That includes allowing them to access their cell phones during school hours. And, cell phone charging stations and charging lockers at schools can help keep campuses safe and help alert emergency services in times of need.

5. Most schools cannot afford all of the technology that they need.
It seems crazy to ban the use of the computers that children have in their pockets – bearing in mind that today’s mobile phones are considerably more powerful than computers were only a few years ago.

We are not stating that Mobile Phones should be used in the schools but clearly, their introduction needs to be carefully prepared for and aligned with our appropriate educational aims. Of course, that is more difficult than simply banning them, but it is also the right thing to do educationally.

School Information Initiative by Educare India Advisory

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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

What are the different aspects of selecting a land for a School Project in India?

Selecting the most appropriate site for a school is an important consideration for a school district and the school community. A lot of aspects are being present while selecting a land for a school project in India, we can say, the location, size, and shape of a school site can materially affect the educational program and opportunities for students. Because program needs differ, school districts must carefully develop selection criteria with the requirements of the local school program in mind. The selection must be based not only on current needs but also on projected needs. It is not a simple task. The primary purpose of this guide is to help school districts make the wisest selection possible.

School site selection is affected by many factors, including health and safety, location, size, and cost. Those persons responsible for the school site selection will have to evaluate both the present characteristics and the possible future characteristics of a site and its surrounding property. Because the site selection team often is unable to locate a site that meets all the criteria agreed on, it should set priorities and be prepared to make certain compromises. In addition, the team must weigh those site characteristics that may adversely affect the choice. Careful assessment takes time, but the importance of each decision justifies the attention. A public comment period should be incorporated into the 
process to receive information and support from the broader community for both the primary alternatives and the recommended site or sites.
These are the key aspects of selecting a land for a School project in India:
1.      Accessibility
Must be very well connected by road, rail and/or Air. Approach road leading to the school should not be discounted either.

2.      Time to reach the location 
Irrespective of the distance, the time required to commute to the school must not exceed 10 to 30 minutes. In the case of a boarding school, busy parents should be able to easily pull out time for school visits.

3.      Area and Size of the Land 
Land required to scale infrastructure to meet the projected enrollments must be factored in. Ease of construction/development is desired. In the case of a building it must be open to alterations, customizations and must be fit structurally. Those looking to convert engineering colleges into a K-12 school must keep in mind that the desired customizations are affordable.

4.      Safety & Security
The location must not have the reputation that would compromise child’s safety and security. It must not close to a geographical fault line

5.      Titles & Price 
Land/building titles are very clear and are free from legal disputes. Financial consideration is central to the decision of choosing the property. The price would affect the quality of the school as it will determine the direction in which it would evolve. Development fee also has an impact on the overall project budget.

School Information Initiative by Educare India Advisory

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Monday, December 2, 2019

Importance of Extra-Curricular Activities in Schools

Completing extracurricular activities means you are going above and beyond your school requirements.

However, simply playing soccer with your friends on the weekends for fun isn’t actually an extracurricular activity, even though it has nothing to do with school.
Extracurricular activities require a regular time commitment and initiative such as being on a sports team, forming a student newspaper, playing the violin in the local orchestra or taking an online course on robotics.

Here are a few reasons why Extra Curricular Activities is a necessity

1.Develop Sense of Commitment
Students who participate in co-curricular activities have a sense of commitment to whatever they are involved in. This is because as they take part in whatever sports or club activity they are a member of, they have to commit to it and give their all, and this commitment extends to all other areas of their lives.

2. Learn to upgrade the Skills
Students also learn new skills which are useful in school life. Skills like teamwork, time management, management of any activity, how to lead a group and many more extra skills. Students who participate in sports and other activities have better leadership skills and learn how to grow and build relations with one another.

3. Time management skills are improved
Students who participate in extra activities need to learn time management. As they have to manage time between academics and extra activities. They learn to manage time and also learn how to keep them engaged in free time also. Everything they do will be productive. Time management plays an important role in examinations also, how to write answers in what time is also an important skill to learn. Time management will be used throughout the life.

4. Improved Academic Performances
Studies have shown that students who participate in co-curricular activities have a marked improvement in the grades. This can be attributed to skills they learn such as better time management to accommodate their hobbies and class activities, better organizational skills and a boost in their self-esteem. Skills learnt in clubs such as debate can be applied in the classroom too, as the students learn how to express themselves better.

5. Helps in interacting with new people and make new friends
Students should be encouraged to pursue extracurricular activities as they meet and spend time with new people, hence forming new friendships. This is important as they interact with those of different or similar interests, and learn a thing or two from them. They also get a different point of view on things as the new friends they make may see life in general from a different point of view.

Extracurricular activities are utmost important in a student’s life. Students who get involved in extra activities meet new people and because of that their social skills are improved. Students can expand their network which is also beneficial in finding better career opportunities.

School Information Initiative by Educare India Advisory

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