When most people think of K-12 students with constant access
to their cell phones they envision students slacking off in class by scrolling
through social media, texting their friends, and playing games. But the reality
is this: the scenario represents a small majority of any student body, and if
those students didn’t have their cell phones, they would find other
distractions. After all, class goofs, mindless daydreaming during math class, and
causing class disruptions are behavioral types that have existed long before
mobile phones even existed. Simply put, if kids didn’t have cell phones in
school to use as a distraction, they would find other methods of distractions.
However, the value and benefits that cell phones add to the
students’ experience have no substitutes. In fact, cell phones in schools do
far good than harm as they prepare students for the real world, help them learn
how to be responsible, are engaging learning tools, and help promote safety.
1. Cell
Phones Teach Responsibility
There is a time and a place to browse Instagram, play Candy
Crush, and take selfies. Just as a working professional would never do these
things in the middle of a board meeting, so too should a student never do this
in class. There’s a time and a place to set your phone on silent mode and
ignore it (unless there’s an emergency call from family). And by allowing
students the freedom to keep their phones in school, they’re learning a big
lesson in being more responsible that will serve them well.
Banning them will not stop them being used
It will simply push that use underground. Much better for
the device to be visible on the desk than hidden under it.
Preparing young people for the modern world
Schools have a duty to prepare young people to live in the
world outside the learning environment. Mobile phones are an integral part of
life and schools should be helping young people make appropriate and effective
use of them.
Today’s students are savvy and can use digital calendars,
like Google calendar, for keeping track of homework due-dates, study times, and
extracurricular activities. By having a multi-device charging station in the
quad, cafeteria, library, and in every building, students can keep their cell
phones and tablets charged so they can manage their student lives while
preparing for their working adult lives.
4. Cell
Phones are Tools for Emergencies
There are a number of emergency levels that constitute
different threats. Whether a student left their essay at home and they need to
call a parent to bring it in or if there is an intruder on campus posing a
threat to the safety of all students, having a powered cell phone can help
prevent a disaster from getting worse.
While we don’t want to expect tragedies to happen, it’s
important for schools to have appropriate measures in place in the event that
this happens. That includes allowing them to access their cell phones during
school hours. And, cell phone charging stations and charging lockers at schools
can help keep campuses safe and help alert emergency services in times of need.
5. Most
schools cannot afford all of the technology that they need.
It seems crazy to ban the use of the computers that children
have in their pockets – bearing in mind that today’s mobile phones are
considerably more powerful than computers were only a few years ago.
We are not stating that Mobile Phones should be used in the
schools but clearly, their introduction needs to be carefully prepared for and
aligned with our appropriate educational aims. Of course, that is more
difficult than simply banning them, but it is also the right thing to do
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