Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Library are important in the Schools

A school library is meant to supports the students in their studies. It is the storehouse of knowledge. In a library, students can find books on various subjects such as history, geography, environment, political science, literature, etc.

In the library various collections of books are available. These books are made available to the students to increase their knowledge and understanding of various subjects.

A school library exhibits a positive impact on the academic achievement of the student. Students can perform better during examination by reading various books.

The importance of libraries in schools is immense. There should be at least one library in every school, whether it is a primary, secondary or higher secondary school. The school library should be updated regularly. There should be an introduction of a new version of books at regular intervals.

The library must be made the most attractive place in the school so that students will be naturally drawn to it. It should be housed in a spacious well-lighted hall. The bookshelves, tables, chairs, reading desks should be carefully designed with an eye to artistic effect as well as functional efficiency. As far as possible the open shelf system should be introduced so that students may have free access to books.

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