Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Procedure for open a new school

·      First, we decide the which type of school you want to start.

·       A trust or society operating a school in States of India must be registered under the state’s Trust Act or Indian Societies Registration Act 1860.

·       Land for establishing a school can be purchased or leased. If the school promoters already possess a land, they must get it approved for educational use by municipal and the education department of the concerned state.

·       School building plan must be approved by the state board and if the plan is to gain national board affiliation, respective bye-laws must be kept in mind.

·       There must be a clearly defined and drafted institutional mission and vision. 

·       It is mandatory for a new school to have State Board recognition/affiliation. State board affiliation is granted if the NOC to use the land for the educational purpose, school infrastructure, amenities for children and staff as recommended are in place. 

·       Financial plan of the new school is primarily for the master plan efficacy, establishment of the school and its operation.

·       The school founding committee must comprise of efficient members who can rise up to the occasion of managing the school and manning the core management body that would evolve with the school’s progression.

·       The qualifications of the Principal and other academic staff are stipulated by the boards of affiliation. Besides that, accountant and administrative staff need to be hired.

·       In the final stages of new school establishment process comes the promotional advertising. To begin with the marketing plan, idea of a brand needs to be evolved. A constant influx of marketing ideas for the new school is desirable.

School Information Initiative By  Educare India Advisory

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Sunday, February 9, 2020

Requirement for CBSE School Affiliation

Land Requirement
The plot of land should be surrounded by a single continuous boundary wall on all four sides enclosing the school building and the playground.

Recognition Letter
The name and address of the school in this certificate should be same as mentioned by the school in the application form.

Noc (No Object Certificates)
The school should have a No Objection Certificate issued by the State Education Department clearly stating that the state govt. has no objection if the school is affiliated to the board.

The school has to submit an Affidavit covering various aspects of affiliation conditions duly shown before a first-class magistrate. The format of the affidavit is given on website https://www.indiaeducare.com/how-to-get-cbse-affiliation/

Infrastructures and Facilities
The school should have the Classrooms, Library, Playground area Sufficient & part of school campus Sufficient staircases as per requirement and evacuation etc.

Adequacy of Teaching Staff
The school should have Sufficient teachers to maintain the classes. Only qualified teachers at primary, secondary and senior secondary level. Well defined Recruitment Rules and Service Conditions for the staff and teachers.

Salary and Allowances Services Conditions
The school should pay salary and other admissible allowances as per Central/State Govt.

Essential Safety Certificates
The school should have following valid and up to date certificates like a Building safety certificate, Fire Safety certificate, Safe drinking water and Health & Hygiene certificate all certificates issued by central Govt.

Social Managing Committee
The school should have a School Management Committee as per affiliation 20 subject to maximum of 21 members Principal- Member Secretary 2 Parents Representatives 2 Teachers Representatives 2 Educationists 13.

Enrolment of Students
Maximum of 40 students are allowed in each section from CBSE School.

EPF Scheme (Account)
The school should have EPF scheme implemented for the staff as per rules. The School should have its own EPF account.

      Balance Sheet
The school should have its own account separate from the Society/Trust/Company running the school. Complete Balance Sheet for the last three years in respect of school duly audited by chartered accountant should be available.

Franchisee School
The school should not any fee/royalty to any other organization/institution for the use of name, logo or moto.

School Website
The school is required to have its own functional website.

 School Information Initiative By  Educare India Advisory
  For Latest Update, visit our  Social Media

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Library are important in the Schools

A school library is meant to supports the students in their studies. It is the storehouse of knowledge. In a library, students can find books on various subjects such as history, geography, environment, political science, literature, etc.

In the library various collections of books are available. These books are made available to the students to increase their knowledge and understanding of various subjects.

A school library exhibits a positive impact on the academic achievement of the student. Students can perform better during examination by reading various books.

The importance of libraries in schools is immense. There should be at least one library in every school, whether it is a primary, secondary or higher secondary school. The school library should be updated regularly. There should be an introduction of a new version of books at regular intervals.

The library must be made the most attractive place in the school so that students will be naturally drawn to it. It should be housed in a spacious well-lighted hall. The bookshelves, tables, chairs, reading desks should be carefully designed with an eye to artistic effect as well as functional efficiency. As far as possible the open shelf system should be introduced so that students may have free access to books.