Monday, May 25, 2020

Cost of Starting a School in India

Establishing Schools in India is not everything, it is much more than setting up a building with classrooms, laboratories, and libraries. The entity willing to establish the school needs to get licenses and permissions from relevant authorities. This is a long process which usually takes a couple of years. Under normal circumstances, it takes a year to start the school’s construction after creating the governing body but, it often takes more than a couple of years as well.

School authorities can also get approval from CISCE Board or CBSE Board but in order to get the affiliation, it requires to follow the guidelines laid down by these boards.

Cost Estimation in India:

If you are planning to start a pre-nursery school then cost will be quite less. For a good structure affiliated school, startup cost estimation is quite huge. Prepare a large amount of money to start a school and it can increase further based on the place of operation, living standard, etc. Setting up a standard school will have its own implications like money spent on arranging furniture, gadgets, electronics, computer, maintenance, and other requirements.

The government has issued a circular making it mandatory for management planning to open private schools to own a minimum of two acres of land in rural areas, one-and-half acres in town municipality and panchayat jurisdictions, and at least one acre in the corporation area.

According to the circular, Rs. 1 lakh is the minimum safe deposit for primary schools, Rs. 2 lakh for Kannada-medium higher primary schools, Rs. 5 lakh for English primary school, Rs. 3 lakh for higher primary school and Rs. 10 lakh for English-medium higher primary school. The deposits should be kept in a joint account of the government and the school management.

Registration Fee:

The department has also modified the registration and procession fee for schools. As per the modified rate, Rs. 25,000 is the registration fee for pre-primary schools and Rs. 10,000 is the processing fee. Schools that run classes 1 to 5 will have to pay a registration fee of Rs 25, 000 and processing fee of Rs. 10,000.


About Educare India Advisory:

Educare India Advisory prepares an imperative business plan for a successful execution and completion. The dynamic team of Educare India lends a supportive hand to its clients which helps them to take the business to the new heights. We appreciate your decision to visit our website and sparing time reading this information. We believe and understand that this article was helpful for you. If you are looking for expert consultancy or any kind of help on the land requirements to start a CBSE School in India, please contact us / leave us a comment or message below. Educare India’s expert team would answer you with pleasure.

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